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Script descriptions
Script descriptions
jeremy.greenVoir son blog
10 posts
Can i just translate the script description in the scripts folder?

in here C:\Program Files\Open Cellar\Scripts

Re : Script descriptions
AdministrateurVoir son blog
3099 posts
I'm not sure to understand your request.
Tell me please if you want the scripts translation or if you want the scripts in order to do the translation yourself.


Re : Script descriptions
jeremy.greenVoir son blog
10 posts
a) If you have translations then yes please can I have them


b) I can do the translation myself but wanted to check on any restrictions you might have.

I assume you have published the object model to allow others to script.

Re : Script descriptions
AdministrateurVoir son blog
3099 posts
There are no restrictions.

Please send me your translations when you have finished. I will be put on the downloads page.

Fully object model documentation will be available with next website version (in 2 / 3 weeks).


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